Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Setting Up for Android Devolopment - 4

Step 4: Installing Android SDK

This is what it says in "The Android SDK(Software Development Kit) provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android".

As I said in the previous post, once ADT installation is finished , Eclipse prompted me to download Android SDK.That was easy since it automatically come up and do everything. But I think it can be downloaded and connected to Eclipse also using above link.

What I got after ADT installation is following. I selected to install latest SDK and set up the target location.

If SDK is spearately installed I think I ve to use Use exisitng SDK .
In next step I got following.Here Google asked whether I m ok if they collect some usage statistics.I selected no for the time being. But I think there is no risk even if I allowed.
In next dialog ,  I accepted the licence and agreement and press Install to install the SDK.


 Then installation started with a progress bar and Eclipse showing what being installed.

 Once this is finished, there is a new menu item in Eclipse, "Android SDK Manager "
Once this it is opened , I can see all installed component, what more available to install and for what component updates are available.
Each time I start SDK Manager, it seems to be checking for updates online.

So I think everything in place now. What next? That is to right my first Android program "Hi Android". That is in next post.

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